Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I am no chef. Let's make that clear.

But occasionally I like to try different recipes. Not many are successful. I've also been trying to convert my eating to mostly clean eating. I'm not 100% a clean eater and I don't plan to be. But, I am trying to eat at least 70% clean and cheat a little on weekends. I mean, I cannot forever give up candy and french fries, right? Basically, eating clean means staying away from processed foods and eating as much whole foods as possible. Check out this book for more info.

This definitely means planning. I have to plan my meals for the week and have snacks on my hands at all times. Mostly fruits and veggies, good thing I like 'em! Breakfast is actually pretty easy to handle, there are quite a few different options.

One thing I've been eating is overnight oats. The first few times I tried it I wasn't able to get a flavor I liked. Never could get it sweet enough, but I've finally found one that's really good. And I tweaked it a little bit by adding in some fruit. Here's the recipe for apple cinnamon overnight oats.

-1/3 cup rolled oats
-1T chia seeds (these help absorb the liquid and have great health benefits)
-1/2 milk
-1/2 Greek yogurt
-1 or 2 t of cinnamon (I usually put more)
-10-15 drops of liquid stevia extract
-1 chopped apple
Mix all together and stick in the fridge overnight. Heat up or eat cold! Super yummy and full of nutrients.
I also like to top it with almond butter and/or mix in blueberries and bananas after it has spent the night in the fridge.

Note: This recipe makes entirely too much for me, so in the morning I'll split it up. I'll have enough for two breakfasts during the week or an afternoon snack.

I forgot to take a picture this morning oops! But this is from a similar recipe.

Hope you enjoy!

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